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    Книга Atlas of World Architecture

    Видавництво: Braun
    4410 грн
    Atlas of World Architecture / , Издательство: Braun, Серия: , Страниц: , Переплет: , ISBN: 9783037681275
    Артикул: 9783037681275
    ISBN: 9783037681275
    Доступність: У наявності
    Доставка: 1-2 дні

    Аннотация к книге "Atlas of World Architecture"

    We are living in a time of constantly changing global perspectives. This compendium presents a global perspective for contemporary architecture. It is both a reference work and source of inspiration, with 500 carefully chosen projects from Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas from the past five years which are portrayed with texts, drawings and photos. The Atlas of World Architecture gives a detailed overview of today’s architecture between international trends, regional traditions, functional demands and individual styles. Particular emphasis is placed on presenting highquality masterpieces so far unknown alongside cuttingedge highlights of contemporary building culture. From the selection of projects of a wide range of typologies a global vision emerges.

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