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    Книга Graphic Recording. Live Illustrations For Meetings, Conferences And Workshops

    Видавництво: Gestalten
    1900 грн
    Graphic Recording. Live Illustrations For Meetings, Conferences And Workshops / , Издательство: Gestalten, Серия: Visual Culture, Страниц: , Переплет: , ISBN: 9783899556568
    Артикул: 9783899556568
    ISBN: 9783899556568
    Доступність: Немає в наявності
    Доставка: 1-2 дні

    Аннотация к книге "Graphic Recording. Live Illustrations For Meetings, Conferences And Workshops"

    Graphic Recording―creating live, on-site illustrations to document and visualize presentations, workshops, and meetings―is popular and spreading rapidly. This is the definitive guide. To see the big picture, draw it first. Graphic recording is the rapidly growing practice of visualizing the content of a presentation or meeting by drawing it live with markers and a large sheet of paper. Hand-drawn cartoons and diagrams entertainingly represent key messages, ideas, goals, and results, ensuring high engagement and retention. This book is the first how-to guide for creating graphic recordings and using them to make meetings and workshops more effective. Expert graphic recorder Anna Lena Schiller reveals the essential tools and techniques with examples and helpful visuals.

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