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    Книга The Best Loved Villages of France

    Видавництво: Flammarion
    1300 грн
    The Best Loved Villages of France / Автор: Stéphane Bern, Издательство: Flammarion, Серия: , Страниц: 256, Переплет: Твердый, ISBN: 9782080201836
    Артикул: 9782080201836
    ISBN: 9782080201836
    Доступність: У наявності
    Доставка: 1-2 дні

    Аннотация к книге "The Best Loved Villages of France"

    An insider s tour of France s most beloved and beautiful villages uncovers the country s hidden treasures. The Best Loved Villages of France brings the reader on a tour of forty-four of the country s most treasured destinations. Always picturesque, but often well-kept secrets, the book offers insight into village life and local history. Take a tour of a crumbling medieval fortress with the mayor of Lavardin or peruse the maritime objects found at sea by a mustached fisherman in Saint-Suliac. Stroll along the coast of the Wissant bay windsurfer s paradise or promenade through the manicured grounds of Vaux-le-Vicomte. Watch the sunrise over the fairy-tale castle in Montsoreau or enjoy a fresh langoustine dinner in Piana, Corsica. This book offers an illustrated tour around all twenty-two regions of France, from Provence and the Alps, to Normandy and the Loire. Aerial and intimate photographs invite the reader to explore these splendid locales, while the descriptions, anecdotes, and interviews with local village-dwellers plunge you into the individual history and character of France s diverse regions. The villages featured in the book were selected in a popular vote by the French public and they represent an authentic journey into the heart of France."

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    Вартість доставки від 30 грн. Можлива оплата післяплатою при отриманні. Вартість послуги післяплати 20 грн. + 2% від суми переказу.

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    Стандарт (4-6 днів): вартість доставки від 20 грн.

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    Нова пошта - 20 грн. + 2% від суми переказу.

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