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    Книга Pierre Herme: Chocolate

    Видавництво: Flammarion
    1260 грн
    Pierre Herme: Chocolate / by Pierre Hermé (Author), Sergio Coimbra (Photographer), Coco Jobard (Contributor), Издательство: Flammarion, Серия: , Страниц: 284, Переплет: твердый, ISBN: 9782080202741
    Артикул: 9782080202741
    ISBN: 9782080202741
    Доступність: У наявності
    Доставка: 1-2 дні

    Аннотация к книге "Pierre Herme: Chocolate"

    Renowned French pastry chef Pierre Hermé displays his artistic mastery in this homage to chocolate through recipes that highlight the diversity of the world’s favorite ingredient in all its forms. Nicknamed the "Picasso of Pastry" by Vogue magazine, master pâtissier Pierre Hermé has revolutionized traditional pastry-making. Insatiably creative, in this new volume Hermé returns to his first passion—chocolate. Retracing his passionate love affair with the versatile cacao bean, this work reveals daring creations that display the celebrated pastry chef’s signature innovative style, which has transformed the realm of pâtisserie. It includes thirty-five recipes, from original combinations such as chocolate, banana, and ginger cake or chocolate and lemon madeleines to rich, iconic desserts like his Infiniment Chocolat Baba Cake, Infiniment Chocolat Macaron, or yuzu-flavored Éclair Azur. Following an intense, synergetic collaboration with photographer Sergio Coimbra, this unique book pays homage to the purity and simplicity of chocolate and its diverse forms and textures. Under Coimbra’s lens, every facet of chocolate is captured in its essence, tempting the reader to enjoy the myriad delights that constitute Pierre Hermé’s extraordinary chocolate repertoire.

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